
After launching iFMS, you will start off from FMC main menu page. The menu pages are the only FMC pages that are specific to iFMS, all other FMC pages are generic “Boeing style” FMC pages. From the menu pages you can change the iFMS configuration settings and aircraft type and load and save routes, from here also you exit the application. Use the touch screen to program the FMC.


Before Trying to connect iFMS to your flight simulator, you need to download and install a tool called FStoiFMS on the computer running the simulator, FStoiFMS for your favorite flight simulator can be downloaded here.
To start using iFMS, first of all you need to tell iFMS the IP address of the computer running your Flight Simulator with FStoiFMS installed. This can be done by navigating to the CONFIG page by clicking the "MENU" button, then clicking the button next "SETUP>" and finally clicking the button next to " Windows might by default block the inbound connection between the iFMS device and your flight simulator. Normally Windows should prompt you the first time your simulator tries to connect whether to allow this connection, but if that has not happened you can manually configure Windows to not block the connection. If your still having problems to connect it is worth to know that iFMS connects to the flight simulator over IP port 5193, some virus checkers and/or firewall software running on the flight sim computer may block this port completely. If you're having difficulties connecting your iFMS, verify the port isn't being blocked and if so you might have to configure an exception to allow communication over this port. Contact iFMS support if you require assistance.

Connected to Network

Manually configure Windows firewall

Screen Selection Menu

2 Screens Landscape Mode

Multiple screens

iFMS contains the following Boeing style screens:
- Flight Management Computer (FMC)
- Primary Flight Display (PFD)
- Navigatin Display (HSI or NAV)
- 2 Engine Primary Display (EICAS2 Prim)
- 2 Engine Secondary Display (EICAS2 Second)
- 4 Engine Primary Display (EICAS2 Prim)
- 4 Engine Secondary Display (EICAS2 Second)

Which of these screens are displayed is configured in the screen selection menu. This menu is accessed by double tapping the top right corner of your device.

Depending on the device orientation, iFMS will either display only screen on its own, two screens side by side, or two screens on top of each other.

When 2 screens are selected, some rules apply: First of all you need to know that, some screens are “native portrait”, others are “native square”.
This has an impact on how screens will be displayed when you hold your device in portrait or landscape mode.

The native portrait screens are the FMC and HSI (NAV) display, the native square screens are the EICAS screens and PFD.
- 2 native square screens can be displayed side-by-side or on top of each other.
- A native portrait screen can only be displayed on its own on portrait mode, but it can be displayed next to a native square or another native portrait screen in landscape mode.

If you have a native portrait screen selected either as first or second and the device is held in portrait mode, only the first will be displayed.

Using the information above you should be able to get your device to display whatever screen or combination of screens you require.

Multiple devices

As of version 2.0, iFMS includes “multi-device capability”, this means you can program a route on one device and all other devices connected to the same slight sim will sync and display this route and all associated information.
The only limitation to the multi-device functionality is that only one device can be in control of the autopilot controlled through the MCP panel on the bottom of the FMC. This device is configured as the "master" all other devices should be configured as slave. There is no issue having multiple devices display and operate the FMC but the MCP can only be controlled from the master.
You can configure the device to be master or slave in the CONFIG page by setting the "IS DATA MASTER" FIELD to "YES" or "NO".

Multiple Devices

Load Flight Plan

Saving/Loading programmed routes

iFMS allows you to save the current active route and load previously saved routes. To do this just click the "MENU" button, then click the button next to "SETUP>". After this you can type the name you want to give the route in the scratchpad and press the button next to "SAVE ROUTE>".
To load a saved route, navigate to the same pages using the method above and then click the button next to "LOAD ROUTE>". A list with saved routes will then appear. Just select the route you which one to load.

FMC Integrated MCP Bar

The FMC display has a fully integrated MCP module that includes appart from the standard FSX/X-Plane functionality, an LNAV/VNAV function and a FL CH function. It is still possible to use the MCP panel present in your Flight Simulator as well of course.



NAV Display EFIS Bar

The EFIS bar at the bottom of the HSI display is used to switch the display between MAP/PLAN/VOR/APP mode, toggle the VOR/ADF needles and toggle visibility of NavAIDs, FIXs, VRPs and airports in the MAP/PLAN display.