Click on the links below to download the corresponding files
iFMS in the Apple App Store:
- iFMS for iOS
iFMS in the Google Play Store:
- iFMS for Android
If you've recently upgraded your iFMS to version 3.0 or above, you must download and upgrade to the latest version of FStoiFMS which can be found below.
FStoiFMS 3.0:
- FS20toiFMS, for use with FS2020 (beta)
- FSXtoiFMS, for use with FSX
- P3DtoiFMS, for use with Prepar3D
- XPtoiFMS, for use with X-Plane, Windows and Mac
- FSUIPCtoiFMS, for use with FS9, FSX and Prepar3D if you prefer to connect through FSUIPC
FStoiFMS 2.X:
- FSXtoiFMS, for use with FSX and Prepar3D 2.X
- P3DtoiFMS, for use with Prepar3D 3.X
- P3DV4toiFMS, for use with Prepar3D 4.X
- XPtoiFMS, for use with X-Plane, Windows
- XPtoiFMSMac, for use with X-Plane, OS X
- FSUIPCtoiFMS, for use with FS9, FSX and Prepar3D if you prefer to connect through FSUIPC
Terrain Data:
- Terrain Data (to enable EGPWS functionality)
- Example aircraft files
- Aircraft files our some customers have created
- Example flightplan
- ConvertFP, a tool to convert FSX, FS9 and X-Plane flight plan files to iFMS ".FP" format